SaferCash – Tackling Organised Physical Crime with Advanced Data Collation and Dissemination


DYMENSiON from Kings Secure Technologies (KST) provides access to many layers of a client’s data.  DYMENSiON offers an accurate, real-time view at site level, thus enabling risk profiling and resource planning.

Through a single portal, a client can view all of their sites/locations, CCTV, alarms and other events, incidents, maintenance SLA performance, documents, evidence media, people and vehicle records. Through a process of continuous planning and client feedback, our agile developers can tailor the system to meet the unique requirements of any client including the homepage, displayed charts, and the creation of bespoke business workflows and e-forms that can be used for any process, such as incident management or patrols.

The Challenge

As an industry-trusted platform, DYMENSiON is utilised successfully by many KST customers, including high street retailers, banks, security enforcers, distribution centres, social housing, local government and manufacturing organisations.

One client in particular, SaferCash, maximises the power of DYMENSiON to collate, analyse and disseminate intelligence to its members and law enforcement, helping to prevent and reduce criminal activity.

SaferCash is the BSIA’s unique nationwide security initiative which records and disseminates information on the activity of organised crime groups in order to reduce the number of attacks on Cash and Valuables in Transit (CViT) couriers, banks and ATMs.

The Solution

The Intelligence side of DYMENSiON is where a client can view all their data in whatever format they choose, whether it be grids, dashboards, maps and PDF reports. DYMENSiON also includes a secure document management system where a client can save all documents, images or videos safely with instant access to them whenever needed.

Through DYMENSiON, the user has the ability to send alerts to specific groups of users by email, text or through an app notification (OneTouch) allowing information distribution to all relevant users. This is not only efficient but can also be integrated with different areas of the system to allow instant access to camera footage and imagery.

The Incident Management module of DYMENSiON forms a central repository for SaferCash of all information collected. Through Incident Management, SaferCash can identify and link a series of events or suspects by matching distinctive features (for example clothing or accents) or based on geographic area; also via the use of key word searches and geo-spatial mapping patterns of crime can be easily established.

As a result, running a report to show information of all incidents allows SaferCash to gain an overview of all recorded incidents, which can then be communicated to its members, and in turn reduce crime.

KST’s secure browser-based solution providing access to layers of data

  • Engage and assess estate performance
  • Collate, analyse and disseminate intelligence
  • Prevent and reduce criminal activity
  • Bespoke reporting, workflows & e-forms
  • Live monitoring of SLA and KPI performance
  • Utilise technology to create savings
  • Compatible with OneTouch App
  • Secured and encrypted with TLS